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February 8, 2009

Double Commercial Blowout

Shelly and Trevor are starring in a couple of new commercials. Shelly plays a girl named Dinah who stands in for a contest winner guy named Lee who created Crest's new catch phrase "Fan-taste-ic."

Shelly in Fan-taste-ic.

Trevor appears in a commercial for Carmax that ran in some markets during the Superbowl.

Trevor in Smart Bear.

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January 20, 2009

New Video: Extreme Dominated Psyche Out

Andrew is in this picture.After the critical success of "Going Up" (See New York Times), Andrew FINALLY decided to do another movie in LA. While this one doesn't involve angels, or static sets, it is three times as long. So sit back and enjoy Extreme Dominated Psych Out, a behind-the-scenes look at what happens when three idiots are given free reign to make a hidden camera pilot for MTV.

Quicktime video

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November 17, 2008

New Videos: Sponsored by Beer

Make someone's dream come true.The last Channel 101 screening was "sponsored by beer," and Angie and roommates Ed, Trevor, and Adam made original commercials that played in between shows.

Angie's commercial
Ed, Trevor, and Adam's commercial

Also, the second episode of Me and My Cat premiered. (We lost by three votes.)

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October 28, 2008

The Xtacles

The Xtacles: November 9th at Midnight on Adult Swim

More Details and Desktops from Clunkyrobot.

UPDATE: Never mind. This show has been canceled.

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October 20, 2008

God and Co.

God and CoEd is animating this ongoing web series starring the likes of Jonathan Katz and Todd Barry. Written by the Levinson Brothers, with illustrations by Mike Herrod.

Episode 4
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1

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September 23, 2008

New Video: Uber Luber's Hair Nightmare

Uber Luber, winner of Vogue Magazine's prestigious death metal band of the year award, debuts their first music video. Starring Ptolemy Slocum. Directed by Patrick Reardon.

Uber Luber Death Metal

Video on College Humor.
Quicktime video.
iPod/iPhone video.

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September 17, 2008

Channel 101 New York

We had an awesome screening this month as part of the New York Television Festival (like Sundance, but for indy TV pilots). Shelly took on the role of Kitty in long-running favorite "Mister Glasses," and Ed contributed some animation to the same episode. Ed also co-starred in a new pilot by Jess Lane called "Me and My Cat."

See Shelly as Kitty and Ed as a cat at Channel 101.

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September 1, 2008

New Video: Pizza-man

pizza-man pac-man parody

Quicktime Video

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August 7, 2008

Video killed the Spider Monkey star

Magic sunglasses

Check out Trevor in this new music video from the band "Less Than Jake." His riveting performance is sure to cement Trevor as the hottest piece of rock vid eye candy since Liv Tyler pole danced for her dad!

UPDATE: Now available on iTunes.

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June 23, 2008

Giant Killer Tuesday!

It's time for one last push for votes for Love, Lust, and a Giant Killer Turtle! This is the last week for voting (ends June 30), and every vote is going to count.

Vote here!

Grab Neal's promo images here.

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Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! Cat Heavyweight Champion vs. Human Baby!

Legalize Kitty Cats At 295 5th Avenue fights for YOUR rights to have a cat at 295 5th Avenue.

An important Thanksgiving message.

Purell Hand Sanitizer kills 99.9% of bacteria. But what happens to the other .1%?

Your Local Library presents this musical message about reading.

For Easter, Gary and Grizmor explore string-skipping and eternal salvation.

Gary invites a rival guitar tutorialist to teach sweep picking.

After a recap of What Has Come Before, Gary and Grizmor explore Jazz Improvization.

A special guest star drops in for a little chat and chase.

Grizmor's daughter sits in on space lute.

Gary and Grizmor feud over 1) the common area 2) the whole tone scale.

Gary's educational web series about musical technique and friendship.

Go behind the scenes of the Nice Brothers with its head writer Jenn Pineapple.

The Brothers head to India to chat up the ladies International-style!

The Nice Brothers turn to the master instructor of basketball skills: VHS!

She doesn't do lunch.

The brothers find a time portal and teach a cave chump to be a cave man.

The brothers teach a baby chump to be a baby man.

These videos are licensed under a
Creative Commons LicenseCreative Commons License.

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