Shelly Stover
Shelly is the Fiasco's resident "trained" actress. Not to say we aren't all actors, but she's actually trained, hence the quotations which were inserted in the previous sentence. Her dynamic background, ranging from classical theatre to improv, with a focus on the assorted characters of Comedie Del Arte, has created the metaphorical cast from which we should all be molded. A "cast," not in the sense of a group of actors, but rather a plaster of paris cast. That distinction is important because it is a cast with succulent curves and perky... let's just say she's very talented.
Shelly's adaptability and talent has made her the perfect fit for any character that demands a personality similar to... What's the word? That's right, "crazy." We should all be grateful. So with that we say 'Thank you Shelly,' you've changed our lives forever.